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Marine Engine Diagnostics

Computer Diagnostics and Report Services

Marine engine diagnostics is the analysis of the engine's built in computer system (sometimes referred to as the engine control module - ECM, central processing unit - CPU, engine management module - EMM or the engine control unit - ECU). This is done by plugging a special processor into the ECU of the engine that connects to a small computer. The processor communicates with the onboard ECU and tells the technician valuable information about the engine which includes: The engine's model number, the engine's serial number, actual engine hours, the engine's RPM history profile, the engine's running temperature profile, current and stored fault codes, and a data parameter summary and much more. Engine diagnostics is essential to know and understand the engine's history, current issues, verify hours, and helps to understand the true overall condition of the engine. Computerized marine engine diagnostics saves hours of labor time (and money) on trouble shooting the engine and lets the technician know exactly what the problems are. Our certified outboard engine and inboard engine technicians can analyze the engine's data parameters and see problems or potential problems that engine sensors (that rely on resistance and volt references) cannot detect. 


We offer this service and use the latest in marine engine diagnostic technology. It is a simple and easy service to perform. Our technicians can come to the vessel's location to perform the service. The vessel can be in or out of the water for this service to be performed. Better diagnostic analysis of the engine can be conducted if the engine can be started and ran with a proper cooling water source.


A written report with the complete engine diagnostics information and results is included with the service and would be sent to you within 24 hours after the diagnostics is performed. The report can be sent to your email address on a PDF document.


Feel free to contact us if you may need computer engine diagnostics for your marine engine. Special pricing is arranged based upon your needs, how many engines need diagnostic testing, and the model of the engine(s).


Mailing Address:

574 Caratoke Hwy

Box# 194

Moyock, NC 27958


We bring the shop to you.  Your dock, marina, or residence!

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T: 757-839-1158

Hours: Monday - Friday 9AM to 6PM  Saturday appointments during summer only

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